Quilted Bear

Quilted Bear

Quilters Guild of the Brit Isles Reg 11


Quilted Bear

New ranges of stock just arrived, quilting, rulers, sewing and haberdashery.


Quilters Guild of the British Isles

The Quilters’ Guild is open to everyone who enjoys friendship and learning within quilting. Region 16 – Scotland promotes quilting to young and old alike. The Guilds AGM is being held in Scotland on 17-19th April 2020 at Stirling University.

Quilt Creations

Fabrics,wadding, Interfacing, interlinings,rulers &cutters sewing machines, longarm quilting

Quilters Guild of the British Isles

Quilters Guild of the British Isles

The Quilters’ Guild is open to everyone who enjoys friendship and learning within quilting. Region 16 – Scotland promotes quilting to young and old alike. The Guilds AGM is being held in Scotland on 17-19th April 2020 at Stirling University.

Quilters Guild of the Brit Isles Reg 11
